Have you ever had one of those weeks where almost everything you encounter just moves you? From the obvious moments like when your child smiles at you just before giving you a huge embrace to the normally insignificant things like when you watch a person in one car allow another person to enter the horrific traffic before him. Listening to the birds chatter while you sit on your porch drinking quality coffee because you felt you were worth the splurge. Watching your cat and rabbit play chase then snuggle. Spending time with good friends who refresh your soul like a tall glass of ice cold lemonade on a hot summer day after mowing the lawn. Smelling the fresh mown lawn after a passing rain shower. Reading beautiful quotes and finding new authors whose works you're excited to read. I could go on.
I'm having one of those weeks where it feels like the Universe is smiling at me, holding me and letting me know it's all going to be just fine. It's exactly what I need and I'm overwhelmingly grateful.
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