Thursday, January 14, 2010

Embracing the Only Child

I'm not an only child, and now that I'm well into adulthood, I'm thankful for that. I have one younger brother, and while I adore him now, our childhood relationship was definitely strongly love-hate: I loved him and he appeared to hate me. I know, I know, this is not the truth, but we were not good friends then. Many of our circumstances conspired against improving our relationship early, but thankfully we withstood those challenges and can now laugh about our antics then.

Despite this rocky sibling connection, I thought it would be in dearest son's best interest to have a sibling. After all, who else will you be able to share those crazy family stories at holidays? And I love children. I adore being a mom. It seemed completely natural that we would try again. And it seemed completely natural that it would be as easy as it was the first time. Then we were made aware that nature works in many ways.

We tried. Several times. Three of those times I saw two lovely lines only to be followed by loss. I don't think I've ever been so devastated in my life. But time does heal all wounds, and we tried again, with no success. This last venture dearest spouse and I made an agreement: if I became pregnant, we would embrace another child and live happily ever after. If I didn't become pregnant, we would embrace our only child and live happily ever after. I didn't become pregnant, and now dearest son will be an only child. And I'm really OK with that.

So there's the background. It stands to reason that the ride with an only child is probably not as wild as it is with several children, but knowing my dearest spouse and myself, it's going to be pretty crazy all the same. Enjoy!

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