Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I hate January

I've tried to like January, but we're just not that compatible. I acknowledge there are parts of January that are actually quite enjoyable, but generally speaking, I do not enjoy the month. It's gray and boring. And I tend to go a little crazy in January.

Sure, it's logical to blame it on the sudden stop of all the hustle and bustle of December. Perhaps it's all of those less-than-cheery feelings bubbling up after being repressed during the holidays. I'm less concerned with the cause and more concerned with getting through.

At this time I have too many balls up in the air, too many unknowns as to how they will fall down around me. And you know what I really want to do? I just want to stay at home with my boy, soaking up all of the brilliant things he has to say, managing all of his spectacular moments of defiance and rebellion, pretending to be a domestic goddess. Being mommy is what I love most, and it's all I want to do. Staying at home isn't easy; in fact, in many ways it's probably more challenging than working outside the home. But leaving my heart in someone else's hands is growing more and more difficult.

Sigh...I can't wait for January to be over...

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