Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I. Love. Homeschooling. I. Hate. Thyroid Disorder.

I realize we've only been officially at this for two days.  I know challenging times are very likely ahead of us.  But I love it.  I love being with him, sharing with him, listening to him.  I love being able to witness his enthusiasm for learning first-hand.  I love how we can modify lesson plans moment by moment.  I love how we can operate without lesson plans.  I love my son!

On a different note, I had a visit with my endocrinologist today.  He is perplexed at my labs and wants to investigate further.  He mentioned immune disorder, and I deflated.  He's giving me a month before more tests are to be drawn, and I hope that avoiding gluten in that time will affect my labs in at least a slightly positive way.  

I did some internet research on autoimmune thyroid disorder and it is discouraging to say the least.  I sat in front of the computer and cried this afternoon feeling completely defeated.  The prognosis is so dismal!  But I'm nothing if not strong and resilient, and I'm determined to create a positive outcome for myself.  I've been passive for a long time and now I'm taking a more active role in my overall health.  It may never go away but I'm so tired of it affecting my quality of life.  I'm determined to live a full, energetic life.  I'll do whatever I have to do to make that happen.

Look for fun pictures of our first week of homeschooling later this week!

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